Sunday, August 23, 2020

How To Write An Article | Article Writing Format | Book Review

How To Write An Article

How To Write An Article? This is a general question for all the bloggers, freelance writers, copywriters how to write amazing articles that influence people or satisfy people. So in this article, you get all the answers to the question that is how to write an article, how to start writing articles, article writing format. I am sure that your writing skill will improve after reading the full article. For writing an article you need to keep in mind a few points or few steps.

Steps For Writing An Articles

In the growing period of the internet, The writers who give the articles in a short time will always have great demand and revenue. So to make the revenue you have to write an amazing article which will satisfy your visitor or readers.

Step 1: Identify The Need

I hope that you have chosen the topic in which you are going to write an article. So we can talk about identifying the need of the readers or visitors. It is a simple phenomenon that a satisfied reader will always promote your article to other people, it means that we have to focus on the need of the readers or visitors. So we have to know what our readers need. You have to find something which connects the mind of the reader. And you also have to ask some questions on behalf of the readers, you have to note the questions and try to find the answers.

NOTE: Your content should be unique and there is no plagiarism.

Step 2: Collecting The Information 

After identifying the needs, now you have to collect the information related to your articles. For Example.

  1. Statistics
  2. Recent update
  3. Quotations are great personality
  4. Short stories
  5. Examples

Make Sure that you have to cover the most significant points in your article, these points can influence your readers.

Step 3: Decorate Your Article

After researching and gathering all the information, now you have to decorate and arrange your article with the information (Step 2) you have collected. Make sure that the information is in a systematic way. You have to build a nice conversational tone between your reader and your article, you have to connect the mind of the reader. Make sure that there is no grammatical mistake in your article. ( You also use Grammarly for avoiding grammatical mistakes). Make sure that you create a short paragraph in your article.

Now you have to write a short summary or conclusion of your article. A summary or conclusion is very important because you have to end your article with bonding with your reader and summary contain opinion or recommendation, anticipation.

Step 4: Read Your Article

You have to read your article twice and ask yourself that this is a genuine or logical article or you also give the article to your friend and ask them to raise the questions or mistakes in the articles. After you get the questions and articles now you have to find the answers and rectify the mistakes.

Following is the list to help you to find errors or mistakes in your article.

  1. Have you included all the significant points in your article?
  2. Did your article paragraphs or points are in sequence?
  3. Did your article have the correct spelling, grammar, punctuation?

The Objective Of Article Writing

  • The article provides information to the reader.
  • The article offers suggestions and satisfaction to the reader.
  • It offers a recommendation and advice to the reader.
  • The article discusses various facts, quotes, stories, static, and unique information.
  • The article influence and motivate the reader.

Article Writing Format

In the above article, you know about how to write an article, now you are going to know about the format of how to write an article. Article Writing Format is a very simple thing. You have to keep some points while writing an article. These points are:

  1. Title or heading
  2. Writer name
  3. Body of article ( contain 3 to 4 paragraphs)
  4. Summary and conclusion (ending with opinion and recommendation)

Here is the pdf of the article writing format. You can download this pdf.

Common Mistakes In Article Writing Format

Now you have to know what are the common mistake or errors you have done while writing an article. Some of the common mistakes are:

  • The article title should be clear and understandable.
  • The article must be easy language and understandable.
  • The article does not contain a formal language.
  • Article avoid long paragraph
  • Not using facts and figures or quotes in the article.

Tips to keep in mind for article writing format

  • Your article creates the attention of the reader.
  • The article has to be read easily.
  • Heading / Title should be unique and interesting
  • The reader enjoys the article.
  • The article introduction should be attractive and impressive to the reader. For making impressive you use vocabulary. 
  • The article contains a logical meaning.
  • Avoid repetition. 
  • Identify the goal of the article.
  • You have to avoid the lines which interest you only.
  • Create your content unique and add some stories in the article.
  • Use some facts and statements in the article.

Do’s And Don’ts In Article Writing Format


  1. The article has a unique, interesting, informative title.
  2. The article writing format should be clear.
  3. You have to target your audience.
  4. You have to add the writer's name in the article.
  5. Use proper grammar, punctuation, vocabulary in the article.
  6. Use short, informative, and clear heading.
  7. The paragraphs of the article should be short.
  8. Use quotes, Statistics, and shot stories in the article.
  9. Article writing format should be followed.
  10. The conclusion part (ending part) should be logical.
  11. The sequence of the article should be followed.


  1. Overwriting in the article.
  2. The article contains only 3 paragraphs, introduction, middle part, and conclusion part.
  3. lengthy and clear article.
  4. lengthy title in the article.
  5. Using of un-required statics and quotes.
  6. Using stories in any paragraph.
  7. Using self-made words in the article.

I hope that you got the answer to the question that is how to write an article. In the following, you get the basic questions and answers related to article writing format, how to write a review article.

Some Common Q&A

Q: How to write an article in English?

A: If you don't know the English language and you have the knowledge of any other language so you can use the google free tool that is google translate, you can convert any language into the English language.

Q: How to write an error or mistake-free article?

A: If you want to write an error or mistake-free article so, you can use the tool Grammarly. Grammarly is a free extension by which you can easily rectify your error and mistake.

Q: Is there is any need to write a writer's name in the article?

A: Yes, because the writer's name is very important for the article and the reader wants to know the name of the writer.

Q: How to start writing articles?

A: Articles writing is not a hard task, it is a simple task that you need to know that what's the reader needs. If you start knowing that whats the reader needs then you will become a successful article writer.

Q: How to write an article format?

A: The article writing format is a very simple, first, you need to put a title or heading in your article, then you have to write your name or writer name, then write your content or body, then at last conclusion part. Make sure that your conclusion part contains a good impression on the reader.

Q: How to write a feature article?

A: For writing a feature article you have to cover the element of who, what, when, where, why, and how. You have to put the most essential points at the beginning of the paragraph. You have to answers the questions which you have a suggestion for them.

Q: What is a review article?

A: Review article is also known as the literature review, it is a review of the previously published articles. It is an overview of today's thinking on the original article.

Q: How to write a research article?

A: The steps of the research article is 1. Introduction (what did you do) 2. Method (how did you do) 3. Result (what you find in research) 4. Discuss (what does it mean).

Example Of Article Writing Format

Knowing more about how to write an article, hear we show some examples of article writing format or article writing samples.

Unhygienic Food At Fast Food Centres

                                                                               -Henry Cavill

The world has become a global village. The globalization of the economy has also globalized our food habits. Our food habits are no more confined to our traditional dishes and meals. No more 'samosas' and 'pakoras'. Nor do 'idlers' and 'dosas' dominate our breakfast tables. our food habits are changing fast. Burgers, hot-dogs, pizzas, and other 'fast food' are the new craze of the youth. Therefore, the fast-food countries are mushrooming in every town and city. The food served at these centers is highly unhygienic. It is even detrimental to health.

Big cities have hundreds of fast-food centers. Macdonalds, KFC's and pizza huts have their branches in every big town. My own locality has more than half a dozen of them. They are packed to their capacity during peak hours. Mostly school and college students patronize. The growing influence of the West has introduced and popularized the concept of fast food in India.

The survey conduct in the U.S.A. shows that tinned food and fast food have no or little food value in them. They only provide unwanted fats and carbohydrates. They cause obesity and heart diseases.

Hygienic conditions in and around these fast-food centers are far from satisfactory. Most of them sell substandard and stale food. Actually, they are healthy hazards (danger). Only regular food inspection and exemplary punishment to the guilty can improve hygienic conditions prevailing in these centers.

I am sure that now you know how to write an article by reading the above example of article writing format. In the above article, you notice that it is a fine introduction. In the middle, there is a body that includes stories, static. And at last, the conclusion which contains recommendation. The above example is the best example of an article writing format.

How To Write A Book Review?

In today's digital world the readers want to know the review of the book and then they proceed to the next step. Readers want to know the opinion and recommendation of the book. In the book review, you have to give an honest review of the book, whether the book is good or not good. By showing honesty the reader may find a good book for them. In this article, you are going to know how to write an article or how to write a book review.

Some steps to follow while writing a book review. I am sure that while reading these steps you may become a good book review writer.

1. Describe some points about the book

In the first step, you have to describe what the book is about. Remember that you do not give any spoilers or revealing plot twists because the reader does not want to what happened in the book. You can follow a rule that is trying to avoid writing in detail about anything. If the book is in the series then you can give some hint and tell them for enjoying this series you have to read other books in the series. Information about how to become a book reviewer?

2. Describe what you like about the book

Now you have to think that which parts of the stories you like so much. You can ask yourself this question yourself.

  1. Who was the favorite character of yours and why?
  2. Which part is your favorites and why?
  3. Did the book make you laugh, entertain, or emotional?
  4. Did the book inspire you?
  5. Did the story force you to discuss?
  6. Did the story is interesting for you?
  7. Did the story force you to turn the pages?  

3. Describe what you dislike about the book

After writing the thinks which you like in the article, now you have to write some dislike points about the book in the article. You can write the points which don't make sense. Some questions help you in finding dislike points in the article.

  1. Are there any scenes that frustrating you in the book?
  2. Did the end of the stories is senseless?
  3. Is there is anything wrong with the main character of the book?
  4. Is the story of the book is too scary?

4. Summarise your review

You have to summarise some of your thought which is present in the book by suggesting the type of reader you recommended for reading the book. For example young readers, old readers. You can also give tag for the book for example drama, romantic, comedy, action, mystery. Some tips for writing a book review.

5. Rating of book

Now, you have to rate the book in number 1 to 5. By rating the book the reader understand how the book was to read.

I am sure that you get the answer to the question that how to write a book review. If you have any doubts about the article then you can comment on us.

How To Write A Newspaper Article

The newspaper article is divided into two categories:

  • News Articles
  • Featured Article

Here now you know the meaning of both articles

  1. News Articles cover the topic related to the current event. News article answers the questions who, what, when, where, how.
  2. Feature Articles are long in length and depth than a regular news article. Featured articles cover more one subject from multiple angles and contain more creativity and entertaining former.

This is important to know that news articles and featured articles demand the same level of reports and research. In this article, we discuss a newspaper article. So in the following, we discuss some points which you have to follow while writing a newspaper article.

1. Title of the newspaper article

In the first step, you have to give the title or leading sentence of the newspaper. You have to give some interesting titles so the reader may show their interest and enjoy your newspaper article. All you know that the first impression is the last impression, so you have to create a unique title.

2. Introduction to the newspaper article

In the second step, you have to give the introduction to your article and tell readers where and when the story is happening. You add some quotes, facts, and figures in the introduction part of the article.

3. The main body of the newspaper article

In the third step, you have to give the main information of the article. In the body part, you have to give all the information about the story and the question related to the story. where, when, what, how, are the basic questions.

4. Conclusion

At last, you have to give a conclusion of the story and the newspaper article. The conclusion is the last paragraph of the article. And make sure that the conclusion contains a few sentences. You may include quotations related to the story you cove in the conclusion parts.

5. Read your article

Last but not least, read your article and rectify the error which comes in the article and also rectifies the error related to grammar, you can also use Grammarly for reducing grammatical mistakes. You have to read the article 2 times.

I hope you have satisfied with our article and you also get the full answer to the question that is how to write an article. In this article, we gave this answer briefly. And if you have any doubts in article writing format or any topic so just comment on us and share it with your writing partner. THANK YOU!!

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