Thursday, August 27, 2020

How To Write A Book Review In 6 Simple Steps | Book Summary

How To Write A Book Review

How to write a book review is a general question for all the beginners. Writing a book review is not a tough task only has to follow some steps or some points while writing a book review article. Sharing your thought to other people is known as a review. Book review always helps readers. In this article, you are going to learn about how to write a book review article.

Steps to follow while writing a book review

  1. Create a hook
  2. Important book information
  3. Summary
  4. Your likes and dislikes
  5. Recommendation
  6. Rating

Create A Hook

In the first step, you have to create a hook, If you don't know the meaning of hook, so hook means a thing designed to catch people's attention. So you have to create a line or sentence which creates people's attention. If you get success in creating attention then the reader will continue reading instead of scrolling.

Important Book Information

In the second step, you have to give some information about the book. Make sure that don't make a spoiler. You have to give the information without a spoiler. If you have created any spoiler then the reader will bounce back from your article. You only have to give some general information like book name, author name, the year when the book publisher or some other essential information. Make sure to mention if the book has its part and its necessary to read other books in the series before this book


In this step, you have to give a summary of the book. You have to leave the climax of the book and avoid spoiler so that the reader's interest doesn't spoiled. You may include quotes because it explains everything that you’re saying. You have to be careful while writing quotes, the length of your quotes is short and sweet.

Your likes and dislikes

Now, you have to tell the reader that what you like and dislike about the book. You have to think about the story and tell the reader which part of the story you like the most or dislike the most. You may ask yourself the following questions.

Likes Questions

  1. Which character you like the most in the book and why?
  2. Which part of the book you like the most and why?
  3. Did the book force you to turn the page?
  4. Did the book make you inspire, entertain, laugh?
  5. Did the story of the book force you to discuss?

Dislikes Questions

  1. Are there any scenes that frustrating you?
  2. Did the end of the book is senseless for you?
  3. Is there is anything is wrong about the main character?
  4. Is the story of the book is horrible?

These questions help you to write the book review or writing the likes and dislike about the book.


After sharing the likes and dislikes, let the reader know your conclusion. For example, you can also give tags like romantic, comedy, inspiring, action, mystery. Or you also recommend an age group like below 18, above 18, middle age, old age. You can also add some quotation which is present in the book.


Rating is the most important part of the book review. You have to rate the book according to your experience. By giving the rating the reader understands how the book was to read. You can also give a rating according to stars.

Book Review Sample Pdf. And this article Pdf.

Tips For Writing A Book Review

While writing a book review you have to keep some tips in your mind. These tips help you while writing a book review.

1. Don't be afraid to give your opinion

While reviewing a book you have to give a value judgment. Readers read your article because they trust you and your article. Is the book is good, bad, best, You have to give a correct review on your article.

2. Back up your opinion

If you have an opinion is good. Readers want reasons for why you are evaluating a critical book. For example, If you going to review Dr. Seuss's book then you say this is an amazing book for children (opinion), because of expert use of language and rhyme, You point out an example as support for that opinion

3. Write with authority

You have to avoid some words while writing a book review. This word is probably, maybe, it seems, I think, in my opinion, etc. These words make your article soundless and under-confident. Even if you are not confident fake it.

For example:

In my opinion, Dr. Vivek Bindra is probably one of the best motivational speakers out there, though, maybe others might not agree.

Instead of saying this,

Dr. Vivek Bindra is one of the best motivational speakers out there.

4. Avoid Writing too much summary

A short summary is needed while writing a book review. If the summary is too long than the reader may not read the book review. So you have to give a short summary of the book. If you give too much summary than there is a chance of spoiler. Your book summary will be short and sweet.

5. Provide helpful information

You have to give helpful information related to the book. If the reader has questions where I can buy this book? Who is the author of the book? What is the price of the book? So you have to give this basic and necessary information about the book. You can also create an affiliate link and paste in your article so you can also earn through commission.

How to become a book reviewer?

You want to become a book reviewer. You love to read books and share your thought with other people. There are many reasons to become a book reviewer. In this article, you get complete guidelines on becoming a book reviewer. Some following steps required to become a great reviewer.

1. Qualification required

In this digital world, anyone can become the book reviewer but some basic qualifications required. You don't need a Ph.D. in English or you don't need any other expert. You only need to have good English language knowledge and the ability to express yourself well.

2. Getting Start

Now you have to write reviews and posted them at amazon or any noble's website or any other book lover site such as LibraryThing. You can also set up your blog or website for reviewing books and also for selling books.

3. Finding a niche of review

In this step, you have to decide on a niche (topic). Your niche can be anything such as romantic, action, comedy, inspirational, thrillers, mysteries, lifestyle. You can review all types of books but I can suggest you do go with one niche. It also can help you to build a ranking of your site and gaining a reputation.

4. Good and bad review

You have to be prepare if you write a negative review, some authors and readers may become angry. You have to decide whether you only write a review of the book which you like the book or you have to be honest as saying whatever is the truth about the book. You should be honest and not writing a review just for earning extra money. I recommend you write the truth about the book.

How to write a book summary?

It is the best way to introduce any review because it gives context. Make sure that the summary should be short and sweet, don't give too much detail. You can also add quotes related to the book and add some important points related to the book.

I hope that this article helps you to write a book review. And also help you to improve your skill. In this article, we cover the points related to the book review. I hope that you have to satisfy with our article. If you have any doubts related to any topic so just comment on us and share your views with us.

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