Sunday, September 13, 2020

How To Write A Report | Report Writing Format | Examples & Samples

How To Write A Report


How To Write A Report? The answer to this question is very simple and easy, the only thing is to keep in mind is a report writing format. The format on how to write an article is also simple and easy, it contains few points. We discuss how to write an article, report writing format, report writing samples/examples, report writing topics, and we will also provide you report writing format pdf.

Report Writing Format

The report writing format contains the following points:
  1. Title
  2. Introduction
  3. Body/story
  4. Conclusion
  5. Recommendations
  6. Appendices
We discuss all the points briefly.

1. Title

In the academic exams, the title of the report is given in the question paper. If somehow the question doesn't contain a title then you can give the title with your own. Your report title contains a catchy and informative look. After giving the title now you have to write the writer's name in the below title. You have to write the place name and date below report.
Your title of the report contains 1 mark. So don't forget to write the title, writer's name, place, date.

2. Introduction

The introduction is the first paragraph of the report writing. It contains basic information about the report. You can give a definition of the title or topic. Or if some event is happening you can also give basic information.

For Example: If your school organized an annual function then you can write about, the timing of the function, the chief guest, how many dances, who will give the speech.

And if you are going to write a report on the road accident, then you mention the time of the accident, how many people die in the accident, How many people injury, what police take action.

I hope that you will understand the examples. Now you can easily write an introduction to your exams.

3. Body/story

The body part is the main section in report writing. you gave all the information about the event which is happening. Your body parts contain a minimum of 3 paragraphs. And they all divided into subheadings. The information in the report should be arranged as important, which means more important information comes first.

4. Conclusion

The conclusion means a summary. You have to conclude your article in a few sentences. Make sure that your conclusion should be attractive and informative. This creates a teacher's attention, and your marks chances will increases.

5. Recommendations

You have to recommend your opinion about the topic. Discuss any action that needs to be taken in life. You have to explain your recommendation and putting them in order.

6. Appendices

Appendices include the information which is read by the experts of that field. It contains all the technical details, which supports your conclusion.

How To Write An Article?

Tips For Scoring Higher In Report Writing

Higher marks are important for you, for this, we give you massive tips. By this, you are going to score more marks in report writing.

1. Use simple language

Simple language is always understandable and meaning full. So make sure that don't use a higher level of English words. Make it as simple as you can. And another benefit of simple English is a grammatical mistake. You can able to avoid grammatical mistakes with simple words.

2. Write short sentences

If you want to avoid grammar mistakes then these tips will help you. Writing short sentences will always reduce the chance of mistakes. If you write long sentences then there is a lot of chance of grammar mistakes in the report writing.

3. Write the report in paragraphs

Report writing always written in the paragraphs. There are no points in report writing. By this, you get two benefits 1. Your report will become logical and 2. It should be easy to understand.

4. The working style in report writing

Working Style means statistics, facts, figures, surveys, quotes, etc. You have to add this all to your report writing. Because working style has the potential to attract user's attention and also give lots of information. I recommend you add the working style in the report.

5. Active Voice

You have to write the report in an active voice. Writing a sentence like "an elephant was seen in the street" doesn't guarantee that you are telling truth. Instead of this, you write "I saw an elephant in the street". So you have to write the sentence in the active voice.

Report Writing Format pdf

How To Write A Project Report

  1. Decide the objective
  2. Understand the audience
  3. Gather facts and figure
  4. Structure your report (Summary, Introduction, Body, Conclusion)

How to write a work report

  1. Identifying the audience
  2. Gather all the information
  3. Structure your report
  4. Using professional language
  5. Edit your report

How to Write A Newspaper Report?

Report Writing Format CBSE and ISC

CBSE and ISE both follow the same kind of report format. So you don't have to worry about the format because the format of report writing is the same. Below is the report writing format example, so can see different kinds of report examples and samples, Like, report on the event, report on the case, and many more. So by practicing the report writing format you can able to score good marks.

Report writing samples

We give you all the different types of reports which have the chance to come to the exam. This report writing format example is very helpful in your college and CBSE board exams.

How To Write A Case Report

  1. You are Harina/Harsh of Bangalore studying in army public school. You witnessed the Kumbakonam fire accident. Write a report in 150-200 words for your school newsletter.
A Devastating Fire
By Harini

Banglore: 10th May 2014. Fire accidents are the worst of disasters. I had the misfortune of witnessing one of the most horrible fire accident of recent times, the Kumbakonam fire accident. It caused an unprecedented loss of human lives and property.

It was a beautiful morning. The whole town woke up to the sounds of drums and pipes. After all, it was a special day- the day of the 'Abhishek' ceremony in the temple-town. Thousand of people had gathered there from different parts of Tamil Nadu and other states. Suddenly, an electric spark produced by a short circuit caused a fire in one corner of the huge 'pandal'.

Worst of it all, the tents were made of highly inflammable synthetic material. A devastation fire engulfed the whole area. Thousands of people were trapped under the burning tents.

Human cries rent many hearts. Local people rushed to the site for rescue operations. The policy and the fire brigade came last as usual. It took hours to control and put out the fire but not before more than 200 people were charred to death.

Report writing examples

  1. You are Manish/Manisha form Dronacharya Sr. Sec. School, Delhi. You have visited the flood-affected areas of Bihar recently which have been inundated by the unprecedented flood of Kosi in august 2012. You were sent there as the team leader of the group of students of NSS from your school. Write a report in not more than 150-200 words on the situation and suffering, relief work, and other facts about Bihar's floods.

Flood In Bihar: The Worst Disaster
By Manisha

New Delhi: 15 August 2012. It was on the 18th of August 2012 that the river Kosi caused a disaster in Bihar. A branch in an embankment caused this disaster. It affected over 2.3 million people in northern Bihar. The worst affected districts include Madhapur, Bhagalpur, Arenaria, and West Champaran.

It was the worst flood in the area in 50 years. Nitish Kumar, the Chief Minister of Bihar rushed to the Prime Minister in New Delhi to seek this help in dealing with the 'catastrophe'. Thereafter, the P.M. had an aerial survey of the flood-affected areas and declared it a national calamity. on 28th August.
The government earmarked $830 million in aid for the region.

The Indian army and non-gov. Organizations operated one of the biggest flood rescue operations in India. The death toll rose to more than 500. Villagers ate raw rice and flour mixed with polluted water amid hunger and diseases. Supaul district was the worst-hit.

The surging water swamped 1,00,000 hectares of farmlands destroying wheat and paddy crops. Many NGOs and welfare organizations joined the relief work. This time the river Kosi remained the people that it is still the "Sorrow of Bihar" as it has been called a few decades ago.

Examples Of Report Writing On An Event

You areAmitabh/Avinash Sardar Bhagat Singh Memorial Sr. Secondary School, Chandigarh. You have participated as leader of the school team in the republic day parade. in Delhi, in which your school was adjudged the best participating team. Write a report in not more than 150-200 words about this memories event publication in your school magazine.

The Republic Day Parade
by Avinashi

27th January, Delhi 2019. The Republic Day parade in Delhi generally attracts the attention and curiosity of the whole nation. On this day Indian become a democratic republic. It had its own constitution. As usual, about fifty schools from different parts of India participated in the republic day parade on 26th January 2015. I had the honor of participating as a contingent leader of our school team in the parade in Delhi.

t was a twenty-one day camp near the army parade ground in Delhi Cantt which prepared the cadets for the big occasion. We participated in the two full rehearsals on the 20th and 24th of January. On the morning of 26th, we assembled near the Vijay Chowk for joining the parade. Our contingent marched past the president of India, Smt. Prathibha Patil, at a.m.

It was the most glorious moment of my life. Thousand of people on both sides of the Raj Path had assembled to watch the colorful parade. The colorful parade ended with the acrobatics of the AIF planes in the sky.

Rigorous training and hard labor were more than compensated. Sardar Bhagat Singh memorial Sr. Secondary school's contingent was adjudged the best participating team.

Writing On An Event

You are Usha/Umesh. The world book fair which lasted for a month in your city was the hot topic of all book lovers. Write a report on it in about 150-200 words for publication in a newspaper.

The World Book Fair
By Usha

Hyderabad, 20th March 2020. The world book fair which lasted for a month was the hot topic of all the book lovers of Hyderabad. The world book fair was inaugurated by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on 20th August 2020. The venue of the fair was the Nizam college Ground. Almost all the leader publishing of the country participated in the fair. Many prestigious international publishing houses also registered their presence there.

Every publishing house display it's old and latest publications on the shelves. The display of the book was quite impressive and tempting. The international publishing houses which made their presence felt were a penguin, Modern libraries, oxford university, Cambridge University, Macmillan, and orient long man. Among the Indian publishing houses, rupa, raj kamal, Tamara M & sons, Rajpal and sons, s.chand & co. Wear the leading names that participated in the world book fair.

Many famous names of letters visited the fair. They included Nirmal Verma, Rajendra Yadav, Namvar Singh, Kamla das, and Khushwant Singh. Literature particularly the fiction, Dominated the show.

Computer and Engineering books were also in great demand. School and college students visited the fair in large numbers and bought their favorite books. Unfortunately, the high prices of books took their buyers away from them.

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Monday, September 7, 2020

How To Write Newspaper Article | Report | Format | Topics

How To Write a Newspaper Article

How To Write A Newspaper Article? the answer to the question is very simple and easy. The only thing is to keep in mind is a few steps and the format of the newspaper articles. In the field of journalism or student who is in school, newspaper article writing is important for all. For knowing about how to write a newspaper report, you need to know about the steps of the newspaper articles.

Steps Of Newspaper Article

The Steps of the newspaper article are very important to follow. These steps help us to write a news article. After following the steps we put our content according to the format of the news article.

1. Decide your topic

You have to decide or choose your topic in which you are going to write a news article. You can choose the topic related to personal interest, or your favorite sports. Because of these topics, you can easily write an article. And you can enjoy or make fun while writing a news article. So I recommend you to choose the topics according to your interest. If you choose the topic which you don't have any interest then you don't able to write an article. I hope that this step is clear.

2. Research your news article

Even if you choose the topic according to your interest, you have to research and collect information from different sources, such as books, old articles, social media, and many more. All these sources help you to understand the full article. And you can easily write a news article.
You can also take an interview with the people for collecting more information about your article. By taking the interview you can able to know about the mindset of the people. You have to find the people with a background in the topic, opinion and carefully write down the points which they say in the interview.

3. Quotes As Intro/lead

You can also research some quotes which are related to your news article and also suitable for the article. The article quotes must be attractive and informative because you are going to use this article in the lead or intro paragraph in the news article.

I am the richest person on the universe. 

Thank you universe, i earned 100000Rs from ludo turbo before 30 september. 

Newspaper Report Writing Format

For writing a perfect newspaper article, we need to follow the format of the news articles. The format of writing the news article is simple and easy. There are 6 things in the news article to follow.
  1. Title/Heading
  2. Writer's name
  3. Lead/Intro
  4. Body or story
  5. Source
  6. Conclusion
We are going to describe all the above points in detail, by this you can easily write a newspaper article. These points are very important for writing a news article.

Get the knowledge of how to write an article.

1. Title/Heading

The heading of the newspaper article should be catchy and informative. The heading of the article also be up to the point. The reader or audience should be attracted by the heading. and they can understand the title easily. You even notice that the reader read the title and then read the body part, so we have to create an amazing heading for attracting the audience. The audience decides that they want to read the article or left the article by the title.

2. Writer's Name

You have to write the writer's name below the title and above the body in the news article. The audience wants to know who writes the article, so you have to write your name below the title of the news article.

3. Lead/Intro

Lead/Intro is important as the title of the article. Lead is the first sentence or line of the article. It contains the most important points of the story in the article. The lead contains who, when, where, what, how, why of the story. The audience decides whether they want to read the entire article or left the article by this lead point. The lead contains the climax of the whole article, that's why it contains the most important points and facts of the article. The lead contains at least 80% of the important points or information in the article.
You can use suitable, attractive, and informative quotes in the lead or intro. So that your lead part became attractive and catchy.

4. Body or story

The body contains that part which was doesn't use in the intro or lead. If the reader wants to read the story in detail then they read the body part. You can use the facts and figures related to your story. Write the information clearly, direct, and short. Make sure that you do not use your own opinion.
In the newspaper article, you can use an inverted pyramid format that is, putting the most important information at the beginning of the paragraphs. And then use other general information related to the article. By this technique of inverted pyramid, we ensure that the reader reads the important information first.

5. Source

The source of the article is included in the body or story part of the article. You have to write the source from where you get this article information. This is different from academic papers, where you add sources at the end.

6. Conclusion

Conclude your newspaper article in a few sentences, You can choose the quotes related and suitable for the conclusion, by this, you can end with a strong sense of the story.

Get the knowledge of how to write an article.

How To Write A Newspaper Report For School

Want to write a newspaper report for school, Then follow the below examples of report writing or news writing. This newspaper article example helps you in writing articles.

Newspaper Article examples

  1. Your school organizing a number of inter-school competition and awarded the prizes in a gala function. As the secretary of the cultural club of your school, Write a news report in 150-200 words, suitable to be published in your school magazine. you are Sunil/Sunita.
                                                                                           -By Sunita
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Sr. Secondary School, Allahabad, celebrated its golden jubilee on 20th March 2020. The prestigious institution has completed fifty years of its glorious contribution to the field of education. A number of inter-school competitions were the major attractions of the week-long celebrations. On-the-spot essay and painting competition drew maximum entries.

The Education Minister was the chief guest on a concluding day. Inter-school dance competitions and group songs enthralled the audience. St. John's School won the trophy for the best school. Its students bagged seven first positions.

In his speech, the chief guest highlighted Mahatma Gandhi School's contribution to the field of education. At the end of the gala function, he gave away the prizes to the winners.

How To Write a Newspaper Article

2. You are Mayank/Mansi, a staff reporter of 'The Times of India' You have been asked to cover the incident of a daylight robbery when the inmates were present in a house on the outskirts of Delhi. Write a report in about 150-200 words.
                                                                                           By- Mansi
The times of India news service. Daylight robberies have become a part of the cultural life of the city. Yesterday, a daring daylight robbery was committed in Anand Lok, on the outskirts of the city. It was 11:30 am. They asked for the keys of the cupboards and boxes. They had revolvers and daggers in their hands.

Women and children became dumb with fear. Their hands were tied and mouths were gagged. The robbers finished their jobs within minutes. They decamped with all the jewelry and about fifty thousand rupees in cash. Before running away, they locked the inmates in a room. The neighbors rushed to help only when they heard their cries.

As usual, the police appeared on the site after more than two hours. They surveyed the site and lifted some fingerprints. Such incidents have become quite common in the area. No one believes that the lost valuables and money would be recovered. The people seem to have lost faith in the local police.

Get the knowledge of how to write an article.

How To Write a Newspaper Article

3. You are the student-editor of your school magazine. Using the information given below in the input, write a report for your magazine on the visit of the chief minister, Delhi, to your school in about 150-200 words.
The annual day celebration of your school drew special attention to everyone this year because of the visit of the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Delhi. The school has distinguished itself as one of the leading institutes in academics as well as sports. Preparations started a week before. The whole campus was given a new look.

The Principal and the staff received the chief guest at the gate on her arrival. She was garlanded and introduced to the members of the staff by the Principal. A guard of honor was given to the chief guest by the N.C.C. cadets of the school. He was escorted to the hall by the Principal. He received a standing ovation by all the students gathered there.

He gave a short but inspiring speech urging the students to work hard and rise high in life. The Principal thanked our guest Chief Minister for his visit. The function ended with the singing of the national anthem.

Topics For Newspaper Article For School

The below topics may come into your school exams and help you in the study. We research from different books, last years questions paper, and then we find these topics.
  1. A daylight robbery.
  2. A major clash between two political parties.
  3. Flood in Bihar: the worst disaster.
  4. Competitions and the prizes awarded.
  5. Annual day celebration.
  6. The republic day parade.
  7. One day a cricket match between two schools.
  8. Training in First Aid.
  9. The world book fair.
  10. Disaster management.
  11. Quiz contest.
  12. Farewell to your English teacher.
  13. Cleanness week.
  14. Annual report of a club.
  15. Drug Addiction.
  16. How to control pollution.
  17. World environment day.
  18. The increasing crime rate in India.
  19. My first experience of a flood.
  20. India of the 21st century.

I hope that you have satisfied with the topic that is how to write an article or report. We cover all the topics related to the newspaper reports. And Tanks for reading.

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