Saturday, August 29, 2020

How To Write A Speech | Speech Writing Format | Tips And Examples

How To Write A Speech

How To Write a Speech? Have a fear of writing a speech, don't worry, after reading this article you score full marks in writing the speech and also improve in writing skill.

The speech is a verbal presentation in front of the audience. The aim of the writing of saying speech is to convey the message to the audience and pay attention to your speech.

In exams, you write the speech but you won't get full marks in the exam but after reading this article you get full marks. I share some tips for writing a speech.

Speech Writing Format

The speech writing format is very important for all the student of class 10 and 12, who is going to appear for the CBSE board exam. Without speech format, you don't grab marks in the CBSE board exam.

Speech Writing Format Pdf. Download this pdf from below.

1. Outline your speech’s

The outline of the speech is very important. If you don't follow this step then your marks will be deducted in the exam, so you must have to follow this step.

2. Gratitude to all audience

First of all, you have to respect your principal, teachers, and your friend. For example say, respected principal sir, vice-principal sir, coordinator sir, teachers, and all my dear friends. This is the first step in writing steps. If you don't write this step you won't get marks. If you are in some competition you have to say, respected judge, gentleman, or whoever is present.

3. Introduce yourself

In the second step, you have to introduce yourself. You have seen the historic speech, the speaker skips the formality of introducing themselves, or they introduce by the anchor.

Example: Say: Hello, thanks for giving your precious time to me. My self "Your Name". And I hear to delivered speech on the "Topic Name"

This step or tips create a good impression while writing a speech or saying a speech. So you must follow these steps for gathering good marks on writing a speech. While you are speaking in front of the audience so be creative and clarity on your tone.

4. Amazing opening statement

While delivering speech your opining statement be creative and catch the audience's mind and heart. By this, the audience pays attention to your speech. A good opening statement always catchy and you have to use technical language to create an impact. Following is the technique of gathering the attention of the audience

  • Quotes: Quotes always attract the mind of the audience. Before the exam, look at some famous quotes. Quotes create your speech attractive. Use those quotes which are related to your speech. The quote is a unique technique that takes the attention of the audience.

  • Surprising statement: surprising statements always create the attention of the audience. You can also different types of facts which are don't known by people. The audience definitely pays attention to your speech. Think about it.
  • Rhetorical questionThis question is a question that you don't expect your audience to answer. This question always forces the audience to think. And the audience listens to the speech very carefully. and if you are in the exam than the teacher also impress your article.

5. Introduction of speech

After starting an amazing opening statement, now you have to start the introduction of the speech. In the introduction part, you have to give basic information about the speech. You have to tell the audience what you are talking about. The introduction part includes 6-7 lines. Make sure that your introduction part should be attractive and the audience pays attention to your speech.

6. The main body of the speech

The main body contains all the facts and figures of the speech. In the main body, you have to give all the intention of your speech. In the body, you can also use facts related to your speech or statistics related to your speech. It can enhance your creativity and you can able to create a successful speech. The body part contains 3-5 paragraphs. Your main motive should be included in the body parts.

7. Conclusion of speech

The conclusion part is the sum of all articles. You have to summarise your article in the conclusion part. A good ending always makes happiness to the audience. So make sure that your ending part always impressive to your audience.

Know about how to write an article and how to write a book review.

Tips For Writing Speech

1. Using of good English

Good English always forces the teacher to give extra marks. Don't worry if your English is weak. There is some trick to help you in avoiding mistakes.

  1. Avoid writing a long sentence. You have to write a short sentence because it reduces the chance of mistakes in the speech. A short sentence reduces complex punctuation.
  2. Practice. By doing practice in your English you can definitely improve your English and score good marks. Practice always helpful for every person. Trying anything for the first time is always difficult but, when we try more and more time it definitely improves.

2. Use personal experience

While saying your speech to the audience or writing speech in the exam, you have to share your personal experience related to speech. Personal experience helps in engaging the audience. The audience connects themself with your experience.

3. Usage of quotes

Quotes are very important for speech. Quotes can be used in any paragraph of the speech. Because it creates engagement with the audience. I recommended you to use the quote in the ending statement. The speech ending paragraph became more interesting and effective.

4. Make simple as you can

Create your speech as simple as you can. Don't make it complex, because everyone needs simple and logical. If you create speech simply than the audience understands your feeling and emotion of the speech. In the exam also you have to make this speech simple as you can.

5. Write in paragraph

The speech should be written in paragraphs only. There are no points in speech writing. And you can create a point and use the point as a paragraph. When you write the speech in the exam then you have to follow this tip. If you write the speech in points than the teacher deducts the marks.

6. Double-check for grammatical and spelling mistake

Double-check the speech for reducing grammatical and spelling mistakes. If there is any mistake in the speech then the teacher deducts the marks in the exam. So you have to check the speech or read the speech twice so that there is less chance of the mistakes.

Some Common Q&A

Q: How to write a speech introduction?

A: The introduction is very important for all the speeches. For writing a great introduction you need to do some unique. For Example: using quotes, asking a rhetorical question or surprising statement in the opening can help to grab the attention of the audience.

Q: How to write a speech outline or speech writing format?

A: The speech outline contains 3 important parts.

1. Introduction paragraph

2. Body paragraphs ( Contain 3-5 paragraphs)

3. Conclusion

Q: How to write a speech for school?

A: Writing a speech for school is simple, You only have to gather all the information about the school and place the information according to the priority and follow the format of the speech.

Q: Speech format class 12?

A: Speech writing format is the same for all the classes. You can read the above article for more detail.

Examples of speech writing format

This all examples is helpful for the student of class 10 and 12, who is going to appear board exam. You can follow the examples of article writing format.

1. Children usually come to school without taking breakfast in the morning and eat junk food from the school canteen. This habit affects adversely the performance of the student in academics and sports. You have to write a speech in 15-200 words which were given in the assembly.

How Health Is Affected by lifestyle

Respected Principal, Teachers, and dear friends.

A variety of lifestyle or health-related habits has a major impact on a person's health. Behavioral and social issues that impact health include smoking, diet, nutrition, and alcohol. Malnutrition, lack of physical exercise, drugs-addiction are other major factors that leave a deep impact on our health. Obesity or being overweight can lead to a number of health hazards. It may lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, indigestion, and some cancers. A great number of people put on extra weight thought poor diet or insufficient exercise. Binge drinking or alcohol-related problems can lead to ill health and premature death.

Smoking is a major cause of lung cancer, heart disease, asthma, and high blood pressure. Research has proved that smoking can reduce life expectancy by seven to eight years. Drugs taking can have a devastating effect on personal health and circumstances. It can lead to far-reaching consequences on family, friends, and communities.

It is rightly believed that the life of the person depends on the lifestyle factor. Money, marriage, and stress levels also purchasing the capacity of essential food articles, vegetables, and fruit. It has a direct bearing on our health. Mortality rates have been found higher in unmarried persons. Marriage may reduce stress and stress-related illness. It may discourage risky or unhealthy behaviors.

Real comfort and happiness are experienced when we are in sound health. The causes of many diseases are not a particular germ or bacteria but a wrong lifestyle. An ideal lifestyle includes moderation in exercise, yoga, diet, sleep, physical and mental relaxation. Positive thinking and cultivation of a proper mental attitude are powerful factors for a healthy living.

Speech Writing Format

In an inter-school competition, you have to give a speech on modern gadgets have made us slaves of machines. You have to write a speech in 150-200 words.

Modern Gadgets Have Made Us Slaves Of Machines

Respected Judges, Ladies, and gentlemen

Since the beginning of civilization, man has been making things for his use, like stone tools, etc. As civilization progressed, man's efforts also increased to make various gadgets. The present times are basically the times of machines. Everything from a needle to highly advanced spacecraft is made by complex machines. Without gadgets, appliances, and machines, we can't imagine modern living or any kind of civilized life.

Ironically, modern gadgets have made us slaves of machines. From the kitchen to industrial units, everything depends on machines. This has made the modern man a slave to gadgets. Consequently, human health has deteriorated to a large extent. Physical labor is very necessary for good health. Perspiration keeps the human body perfectly turned. But dependence on gadgets has made us lazy, inactive, and dull.

The new generation is growing physically weak. Incidentally the more we depend on machines, the less energetic and dynamic we become. Our forefathers used to walk for miles. But today we need a vehicle to cover a few hundred meters.

Today man has been reducing to machines devoid of emotions, feelings, love, peace, and pity. So it is better to use modern gadgets judiciously and not to abuse them.

Speech Writing Format

You have been reading the news items on the Nithari killings. You have to write a speech in about 150-200 words to be given in the morning stressing the need of keeping a close vigil on the anti-social element of the locality and taking care of young children of the area so that they don't fall prey to bad characters.

Child Abuse And Anti-social Elements

Respected Principal, teachers, and friends. The horrifying news items of Nithari killers have shocked the whole nations. How can such ghostly and devilish activities happen in the vicinity of the capital of India? The killers of innocent children highlight the main issue of child abuse. Child abuse is more than physical abuse. It leaves deep and lasting scars on the victims. Ignoring children's needs, putting them in dangerous situations, and providing inhuman treatment are some of the other abuses quite prevalent in our society. Constant belittling, shaming, and humiliating of children continue unabated.

The Nithari Killers have highlighted the issue of child sexual abuse by anti-social elements and bad characters. Sexual abuse doesn't always involve body content. Exposing a child to a sexual situation is equally sexually abusive. Sexual predators roam freely. Abuse of children as domestic help continue unabated. Many of them are abused physically and sexually. Our policeman remains a meek spectator. It is quite shocking that sometimes such inhuman practices go on with their active collusion with the bad characters.

Thousand of children are found missing every year. Where do they go? It is quite an open secret that gangs of anti-social people operate in every town and city. Children are kidnapped, physically, and sexually abused and forced to beg at crossroads. This vicious circle goes on. There is an urgent need of keeping a close vigil on the anti-social element. They should be given exemplary punishment. all risk factors for child abuse and neglect should be rooted out. Only then, Young children will not fall prey to beg characters.

I hope you have satisfied with our article and you also get the full answer to the question that is how to write a speech. In this article, we give our best effort to satisfy your need. THANK YOU!!

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